Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Team

Okay, folks have been asking who is going and who can we be praying for? Thank you for asking... and praying! Here is the Team...
Michele Borne * Lisa & Bob Burns * Carole & Ron Dobies * Debbie Ducar * Janice & Jonna Fantz (mother - daughter team) * Amy Flack * Meg Garrett * Don Genereux * Eric Gustafson * Randy & Mary Ann Harsch * George & Martha Johnson * Deb & Jim Kielsmeier * Rob & Sally Lund * Bob Lundberg * Anna & Grace & Bill MacLean (Dad and daughters) * Jan & Peter Nordell * Julie Steiff * Marti Windram
Three more days till we go...

1 comment:

Christopher Harsch said...

I this is Chris Harsch, and I just want to wish you all good luck and safe travels!