Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Getting Here

Written (mainly) by Jonna Fantz:
We have arrived. The airport gathering at 2 PM was happy chaos as we had no problems and check in at MSP on time. My (Jonna's) mom is still getting a grasp on names. That's the first awkwardness. We had a longer wait as the plane was delayed. The first leap to Newark was a bit claustrophobic. Short flight but very tight little puddle jumper of a plane! Meg Garrett actually was the only person in her row. (note from Meg: "There was only one seat in my row!!")
In Newark we gathered and intro-ed each other, grabbed a bite and went through layers of security. Finally on board Rob Lund was madly studying and eloquently explaining how Herod had conquered the Hasmonian dynasty with horrific cruelty.
The plane flight was thankfully uneventful. At 4:30 AM a group of Hasidic Jews gathered in the galley for prayers in their long black robes and prayer shawls. A flight attendant was curious about my (Jonna's) Baptist background and had heard rumors that Baptists can only marry other Baptists. (note from Deb: wait, Jonna, isn't that true?!) Religion and control issues arise before we've even touched the must disputed soil of Israel. We landed to a spontaneous outbreak of applause.
We lost Bob Lundberg in the Tel Aviv airport, who had quipped earlier, "When we land, what should I tell Aviv?" He was found outside at the side of our instructor from Jerusalem University College - Cindy Parker. (see photo)
The bus to Jerusalem was blessedly cool. The air is tangy with rosemary which grows wild on the hill sides. The landscape is varied, dry brushy rocks, tree topped hills, and cultivated valleys. The light feels so intense. It's like a substance here. Maybe more particle than wave. Red tiled roofs terrace the hills and ruins rise an collapse everywhere. Humans have been here so long their presence is deep in the soil and rock.
Our group of twenty eight was complete when we connected with Bob and Lisa Burns at our hotel, the Knights Palace where we ate dinner. (They flew in a day earlier...) Wonderfully spiced and colored salads with the smoothest hummus I have ever eaten a second plate of. Meat dishes were saucy and rice abounded. MMMM...the olives.
Our group walked to Jerusalem University College under a slice of moon with a star accent. The cool breeze off the Mediterranean soothed the cobble stone streets. Hills and faiths intermingle as we rest on the edge of the Christian and Jewish quarters. (Jonna's)Mom had her first round of bartering--I think I'll learn from her. We were exhausted, but a little in love already.

This photo was taken near our walk from the Knight's Palace to Jerusalem University College - just inside the Jaffa Gate.

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